Mundrathi Foundation is a non-profit organization was founded in 2022, with the goal of providing necessary resources for better education, employment opportunities and wellbeing. Recognizing that education is the key to provide meaningful opportunities for women and children in rural areas, we are inspired and dedicated to help lift them out of poverty, support their families and find their voice.
We work together for underprivileged children's shelter and their education ensuring all employability skills that bring them up with quality leading life.
Our team of Mundrathi Foundation work to improve the quality of healthcare services for the poor and marginalized communities.
Mundrathi believes that all children, particularly girls from poor families, access and complete education from pre-primary to secondary levels, thus realizing their right to inclusive and quality education.
Support us in vaccinating the most marginalized people in rural areas. We, focus on conducting a COVID awareness program to educate everyone to stay together strong and fight against pandemic situations.
Mundrathi Foundation does whatever it takes to be there for people in crisis. As we have for every major humanitarian crisis in our state.
Women's empowerment has a vital role in all the perspectives of women’s life. It creates an impact on socio, economic, political, and cultural phenomena.
We believe your impact comes in many ways as an inspiration for many people throughout Warangal creating remarkable social impact.
We strive to work efficiently and effectively in our internal processes for managing our resources and grants efficiently.
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